Monday, 18 January 2010


I know that just posting a picture is cheating, but I've had a hectic weekend and a pig of a day today so no time to write things.
It is a nice picture though don't you think ?.


drew said...

Too pooped to post!!!!
Last weekend too much sleep got you down. This weekend too much partying got you down. I think you said you were 24... Get it in gear.. (just giving you a little more shit) ;-)..

Anonymous said...

that pic is delicious....I forgive

hope all gets a bit more calm for you

Paul said...

Is he why you're eager to get back to the gym? I love a guy in a jock!

Donnie said...

It's a fantastic picture. I love hot guys in jockstraps. Yum!

Michael said...

I promise i'll make up for it this week.
Steven, Paul, Donnie.
Enjoy the picture. I know i am....pass the tissues.

KAOS said...

The tatts, the thigh, the tatts, the thigh...

Oh my...

Dean Grey said...


The pic is more than nice!

Thank you!
