Thursday, 18 November 2010

Christmas is cumming

I was offered a Christmas tree by someone i know. Not a real one, a fake plastic thing that didn't even need any lights on it.
You just plug it in and away you go. Now that's my type of Christmas trimming. One that does all the work itself.
And in the new year you just unplug it and stick it back in the loft.
(lofts are magical places where it's Christmas all year round-Jimmy Carr)

Then i remember i'm going away this year. So no need to bother with all that. I never send Christmas cards so that's out as well. But what about presents ?
Can i manage to get out of buying anyone a present as well ?. MMMMmmm. I know i sound like scrooge but less money for others means a better holiday for me. Snigger..

I might get Daniel something, but he is actually asking if he can move into my pad over the Christmas period. His new Boyfriend er sorry, FRIEND! lives in Huddersfield. So it would be handy for him. He actually lives with his parents in Oldham so two weeks on his own at my place will be a holiday to him.
I trust him not to go mad and have all night parties and it would be good to have someone looking after the place (for a small fee). But i'm not sure.

My dad rang last night asking if i had his power drill. What the bloody hell would i be doing with a power drill ?.
We both laughed when he realised what he just said. He may as well have been asking me if i had been re-wiring the house. I'm no do it yourself man. I find it a pain in the arse.

But for about 5 seconds i actually racked my brain trying to think where it might be if i did have it. What the hell was i thinking ?. I'm not even sure i have a screwdriver.


naturgesetz said...

If you let Daniel use the place, then the tree might be nice for him to have. Make sure it's in good order and doesn't heat up too much.

As long as you trust him not to trash your place, it sounds mutually beneficial (see, we don't have to say "win-win" LOL).

Maybe your dad brought the drill with him just in case there was work to be done when he and your mum visited?

PSR said...

We have a tree just like that.
Micky does not let us put up any decorations until Christmas eve and we take them down on 12th Night. I don't know why since niether of us are christians.
This relates to one of my laws that I would pass if I were ever to be in charge: No christmass stuff in shops before December 1st.

david said...

straight men think about power tools a lot... that n sex n food... prolly better he didnt ask you a question about sex.. especially that he and your mum had been visiting the weekend previous...

~ cheers...

drew said...

you sound like my brother. If he has a tool in his hand it looks like a weapon! Accountant..
I think it would be a nice gesture to let Daniel stay at your house.

Now tell us more about your upcoming trip. You had mentioned it earlier in the year but give us some details.. inquiring minds need to know!!