Thursday, 28 May 2009

Summers day

At dinner time today we all sat out on the grass. For about half an hour the clouds disappeared and the sun came out.
It's amazing how sun can cheer you up. If it wasn't for the sound of traffic whizzing passed in the background i could have shut my eyes and imagined i was in a field in the middle of nowhere.
Then someone spoilt my fantasy and reminded me it was time to get back to work.
In this country i think all work should be stopped -by law- when the sun comes out. It's not as if we would lose many working hours, we see so little of it.

Ten minutes later it was pissing it down.


Anonymous said...

That's Manchester for you!

Used to live in Todmorden (halfway between Rochdale & Halifax) and it did it there too.

Michael said...

Never been to Todmorden, but i have been to Halifax.
Both are not really that far away.
But is there anything there worth going for?

Anonymous said...

Wot I should write is:

'No, I left'

But I don't quite have the nerve.