Monday, 1 June 2009

Older men, younger men

Start of a new week and another night at the gym.

I'm doing alright at the moment, even though i get the feeling I'm already sliding into a rut.

Job, gym, home, bed.

Chris came over and said hello again, But to be honest he did all the talking, i carried on pretending to row across the Atlantic as if i were being chased by pirates.

It seems like he goes to the gym as a social thing. I wanna get in and out as fast as possible.

I never thought of the gym in the same way i might a night out at the pub. He stays for hours , doing a bit, chatting to people and then doing some more. But he has now started going home at the same time as us.

Daniel thinks it's so he can go into the changing rooms at the same time as we do, there he goes again with his fixation with older people fancying him.

On the way back i decided to challenge him about this.

Why is it that any fella who seems really friendly over a certain age is considered a perv and probably trying to get off with him ?.

First he denied it. then he said that older men with younger is just weird, and eventually he admitted that he liked older men but wouldn't actually go with one.

You know when you shouldn't push a subject any more , he was starting to get pissed off because i was turning a conversation into an interrogation, but it was something i never thought about Daniel. When you know someone for a long time you don't question them over certain things because you assume you know everything there is to know about them. I didn't know he had a this strange thing about older men.

But i would be interested in finding out why it's all wrapped up in some kind of weird opinion of all older men being slightly odd for showing an interest in younger men. Even though there is absolutely nothing sexual in this Chris talking to us, because as far as i am aware, he is straight.

I think Trisha would say, Daniel probably has 'Issues'

And being a nosy git, i wanna know what they are. So i must remember to chip away at that one the next time i see him.


Sethy said...

Go to my blog, archives, Age gap issues....Easy to find. I have wondered the same thing.

Ipmilat said...

You don't stop fancying young men just because you get older. This is so obvious as to require no comment. So why do people imagine that an older man fancying a younger is perverted? The fucking British - they can never get their heads round sex.

Sethy said...

lolz @ vilges suola......

Anonymous said...

I have to say this subject is one close to my mindset. I have issues because on one level, older guys just aren't my thing. I mean really my parents are not what I consider to be "old". I had HUGE problems with it for a long time. Then due to some pretty racy dreams and the realization that I was very attracted to my boss who is around my dad's age; I finally came to the point I had to admit to myself. I actually do like older guys too. It really effed up my head for a bit. Now, I'm at peace with it. Really you don't stop liking younger guys just because you're older. It's really something that's been around since people have. I think we just tend to overreact because of the gay communities worship of the "ideal" pretty young thing and our warped sense of beauty. I mean when it comes down to it, we're almost brainwashed into thinking we're "old" when we reach the age of 25. Just because we're older doesn't mean we're dead and we should just feed the pigeons at the park and forget about all of the things that have always motivated us. It's so funny when you think about it. We're all people, we all just want to be loved and hopefully happy. Think about all of the older men with younger women out there. So why do we have such a double standard when it's older with younger guys?
Blah blah blah, I'm babbling

Michael said...

Thanks for your comments fellas, but i don't think this is about older men fancying younger, it's the other way round.
Persoanlly i don't not fancy older men, it's just something i don't think about, i suppose it would be best described as just off my radar.
Every now and then i see a guy, but i don't think about it really.

I can understand Vilges comments about not stopping fancying young men just because you get older, but does taste in men just stay the same all your life ?
When i was 15, i would not have even concidered someone in their 40`s, now i feel differently

As i get older i asume the age range of men i go for will go up as well.
Or will it ?. will i still see men my age now as the sort i fancy for the rest of my life, and men who will be my age then as a second option ?
I don't think most teenagers go for older men straight away. or do they ?
I'm babbling now Sasha.
I have no idea really what i'm talking about.

Sethy said...

Okay yeah, I understand.

The easiest way to answer that is like this: For every older guy who has a younger guy with him, there is a younger guy who likes older men.

I personally don't see anything wrong either way. Personally, when I was younger, I liked older guys. Now I am older, I like younger guys. I guess it has to do with wanting to be like them (either way). When I was younger, I wanted to be older. Now I want to be younger....

Does that make sense?

Objectification through Identification.

Anonymous said...

Just my thoughts. I'm 20 and I really can only imagine myself going with other guys my age or younger or a few years older.

I'm sure that will one day change as I get older too but I do think that people change "tastes" as they grow older. They are exposed to different experiences which makes want to be with other types, older/younger, jock/twink, black/white...etc more. or not.


Danny said...

When I was younger I fancied guys in the same peer group as myself as they were on the same 'wavelength', however I was also attracted to some older guys who - I guess - fulfilled some desire within ME to be looked after and protected.

Nowadays I'm still attracted to my peer group, and I'm still attracted to some older guys, but I'm now also attracted to younger guys - possibly to fulfill a desire within me to look after and protect THEM!!!

I can understand how some younger guys have issues with older guys fancying them - and this is mostly down to a bad experience of some older guy's unwanted attention.

There are some younger guys who may regard me as a pervert - however, I find that most of them come to me as a friend who will listen to their concerns and offer advice when requested. I think I've become the big brother/uncle to them that I never had.

I've still not quite got my head around the fact that some of the younger guys want more than friendship - so I guess we all have issues with age in some respect.

Either way, there's room for everyone in this world.

Michael said...

So we're all agreed then ?, each to his own, and everyone has their own types, ages & tastes.

what i would say is Brad Pitt is 46 (yum)
Ricky Gervais is 43, er, pass.
Then again, i would imagine one being much more fun to be with than the other
It's not just age is it ?

(Not sure what their wives would think mind you)

Beej said...

I dont like older men... and dont think I could ever be with someone old enough to be my dad. And to some degree I feel the same about them as yer m8 did at the start... well before e said e liked them. I saw one of my partners friends who is younger then me go out with someone who could have been my dad... every time I saw them together it kind of grossed me out... Putting it into perspective: the boy was 18 (only just!) and the other chap was 43. You could tell that it was only about sex when you saw how the older guy acted around him and I just thought that he should know better then that...

B xo

Anonymous said...

Haha, yea it's all relative to wherever we are in our own heads n'stuff I suppose. Just gotta say, something about Ricky is just sexy, I don't know if it's the humor, the intelligence or wot, but imo he's kinda hot. Though Brad is all of those things too and dead sexy.
xoxoxo, thanks for making me think. I really like it when someone does that.
lol, captcha is "carpark" an actual word, I know there's some guys in a cubicle somewhere making them up