Saturday, 6 June 2009


Hung over, look like death warmed up, mouth tastes like a wrestlers jockstrap, feel sick, headache, upset stomach, tired, groggy, legs ache, arms ache, eyeballs ache, hungry, thirsty and absolutely knackered.

What a great night last night was!


Pilgrim said...

If you drink, don´t drive!Propz from Arromanches/Normandy/France, Pilgrim

Anonymous said...

Never tasted a wrestler's jockstrap.

naturgesetz said...

Hair of the dog that bit you.

But not the whole dog. lol

Anonymous said...

Aye, hair of the dog seems to almost always work.

Michael said...

The very thought of a hairy dog is turning my stomach, actually a wrestler jock strap has the same effect.